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Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Grapes and Greens

Grapes and Greens is the Head Chef's new blog, and here's a somewhat relevant excerpt:

This weekend was our family's annual trip to Saratoga Springs, NY [ed note. - how's that for putting a wholesome spin on things] and their farmers' market is undoubtedly the highlight of my summer. The variety of produce and the passion among farmers and shoppers for all things fresh and delicious is always palpable. I dream for weeks ahead about the elaborate meal I will make after my shopping. [ed note. - And I'm a nut because I'm getting excited for the hockey season?] This year, as always, I headed straight over to my favorite heirloom tomato grower. My heart sank as I looked over his beautiful knobby fingerling potatoes and his lush lettuces. Not a tomato in sight. I was informed that almost the entire crop had been wiped out by the raging tomato blight and there was little hope of salvaging even a tenth of the crop. So sad.

One or two farmers had small tomatoes available and I grabbed up a few precious fruits. My plan this year was to head straight to our picnic site after shopping [ed. note - after the Whitney], so food prep had to be simple.

The grapefruit sized mini cantaloupes could not be passed up and some pretty sweet white onions rounded out the salad I had in mind. I had already packed a vinaigrette that I made at home, so all was set. It is hard to accept that I won't be seeing much of the heirlooms this summer. I wait all year for one month of tomato bliss. The farmer told me that the organic and small farms are the ones being the hardest hit. I had been enjoying the relentless June rains for keeping my home garden moist but now I am realizing the bitter price.
Read the rest of the post for details on the Trifecta Salad!

- And this is the Head Chef's current favorite song.