As long as Governor Paterson is apparently going to be trapped in the state for the foreseeable future, perhaps he should contact his buddy Joe Bruno to score some prime boxes at Saratoga. Bruno will likely be too busy preparing for his upcoming trial anyway. Paterson could go and make hunch bets on the 3-1-3-1 pick four. With the Senate coup having thrown the matter of succession into doubt, Danny Hakim reports in the Times that Paterson has not left the state since the Senate dispute began on June 8, to avoid any confusion about who is running the government.
He has turned down an invitation to attend the National Governors Association’s annual meeting in Mississippi later this month and even scuttled plans in late June to attend a wedding just across the Connecticut line.Lacking a lieutenant governor, the constitution designates the president of the Senate as next in line. And according to the GOP-led "coalition" of 30 Republicans and one Democrat who's been investigated more than Sarah Palin (well, maybe not that much), that person is the turncoat himself, Senator Pedro Espada, whose reputation is such that some have seriously suggested that he would take the opportunity to pre-pardon himself from any future prosecution.
Less than four weeks until August 1, the date on which we're told they'll be a decision on the Aqueduct racino. Of course, it will be hard for any agreement to be approved, as required, by the three men in a room if we don't know who one of those men are (women might as well not exist as far as leadership positions in Albany go, or so it seems). No sign of progress whatsoever in settling the leadership issue which is central to any power-sharing deal; the sides did not even meet on Monday. It was suggested that Paterson has the power to appoint a lieutenant governor to break the tie; how convenient! But the notion was quite vehemently disputed by Attorney General Andrew Cuomo, who called it "a political ploy that would wind through the courts for many months." Which is where this whole mess might eventually end up anyway

- The sour economy may not be do much for business at Saratoga this year, but the track is proving to be popular in one depressing aspect.
New York Racing Association recruiter Julie Levine said, “We are seeing more — almost twice as many” people looking for jobs at the Saratoga Race Track this summer. Levine noticed an “increase across the board. More college students, retirees, high school students looking for their first job.”
NYRA always has large numbers of returners, resulting in fewer new positions becoming available. Therefore, an ideal college student applicant would work six days a week and most, if not all, of the meet — work on Travers Day, Aug. 29, is required. The most sought-after job for college students is betting clerk, Levine said. “They like the hours and the bonus at the end of the season. It’s fast-paced. And (there are) the tips at the window.” [The Saratogian]
I love the likely unwitting double entendre of "tips at the windows"--both cash money from bettors' winners, and tips on horses, too, one would think.
I always thought it would be kind of cool to be a mutuel clerk, but my school schedule never allowed me to be there for the whole meet.
Anything going on with the AMD plant in the Saratoga area?
Any new coming from Albany on refined bids that were recently submitted? This blog has been a source of both hope and disappointment concerning VLT's at Aqueduct in the past.
>>Any new coming from Albany on refined bids that were recently submitted?
Nothing. Wish I had something for you. We're not even getting anything from the anonymous moles who often give us some insight here. Anyone?
Hey, I resemble that remark! Mole no, informed, yes. The inside "buzz" is that Governor David Paterson and Speaker Sheldon Silver might be plotting to name a VLT operator quickly, by the August 1st deadline, and force the Senate President, whomever is that bodies leader, to capitulate, sort of like they did with former Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos when Delaware North Companies was given the nod the last go round. If this is the case, they might try and fix the deal for Delaware North, a Buffalo and NY state favorite, but a notorious group that has cost the state, education, and racing about $240 million since they were chosen in the fall of 2008. How could they really be a viable option this time with a bid considerably less than others and $270 million less than their original proposal? My guess is the other bidders would object and litigate if necessary, to any Delaware North resurgence, as no procurement, RFP or contract award has ever been made in NY after a previously defaulting bidder failed to close.
I would hope to see the details of all the other bidders before I decided which is best to rely upon as a source of the NYRA's racing operations, purses, horse breeders and racetrack capital improvement program. Why is Governor David Paterson holding the details of the proposals so close to the vest?
i have heard the previously posted information as well.
Also, another Albany rumor is that R. Donahue Peebles is making his phone calls trying to call in some political markers. Peebles has never done a project of this scope, nor has he done anything in NY, so he may need help.
Maybe details coming soon?
If a NYRA emplyoyee is going to acknowdledge publicly that the mutual clerks get "tips" at the windows I hope they are reporting them to the IRS.
Good pick-up on the "tips" situation. I often leave the dollar bill's and change when cashing or $10 or $20 or more on a real hit.
Anon- check with Joe Bruno on AMD, that's his baby. Joe delivered the goods for his district, AMD being one of his best scores, and skippered the Senate ship well when he was at the helm. These guys are a joke compared to Joe. Alan- Joe is going to beat the phony, Spitzer-inspired rap so don't hold your breath on the box seats. Paterson, though, is a longtime FOJ so I am sure Joe will take care of him. /S/greenmtnpunter
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