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Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Who Sells Out?

- The Beulah Twins didn't make it to Oaklawn this year, but they've now made it to LATG, courtesy of Win Yeah, yeah, call me a sellout if you wish, but it would be nice to at least cover the cost of my Pedigree Query subscription!

So the deal is this: if you are in need of an Advance Deposit Wagering site, please click on the Twins and check out Win If you do decide to sign up, please do so after clicking on from this site, otherwise yours truly gets left at the gate, so to speak. And once you do sign up, by all means, please churn as much money as you can possibly afford through your account (preferably for your sake based on picks from other sites) so that my initial reference fee can be further enhanced. Who knows, maybe if someone like Maury Wolff is out there, I can afford to take the summer off and do the Saratoga blog again! In any event, thanks again and always for dropping by the site.


John said...

Congrats on selling out; I didn't think you had it in you.

What's next Alan? Maybe an eBay store on your sidebar where you can sell your well worn Beyers collection? :-)

Anonymous said...

Have the head chef do up a little cookbook for "horse degenerates".
Have it ready by Derby Day so you'll know how to prepare Crow!
All proceeds to help defray your losses from playing slots between races.
Don't know where my positive attitude went to.