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Thursday, October 11, 2007

Only a Flesh Wound

- Magna and Churchill have announced their withdrawal from Empire Racing, and Delaware North is said to have done so as well. In addition, Marylou Whitney has withdrawn her support. Yet, incredibly, Jeff Perlee remained defiant, saying: “This can only make us stronger going forward in the competition.’’ [Bloodhorse]

This reminds me of the Black Knight in Monty Python and the Holy Grail. I picture the limb-less Perlee, left behind as a helpless stump, yelling: "I'll bite your legs off!" as Charles Hayward clip-clops his way on his perilous journey through Killer Brunos and Republican Senators posing three (million) questions as he tries to cross the bridge to the Holy Racino in Queens.

In case you need a frame of reference, I present the classic scene for your enjoyment. (Warning: this clip contains comic gore, including dismemberment, a red liquid that looks a bit like blood, and other nasty bits that may make you want to say........Ecki, Ecki, Ecki, PTANG zoom-boing.....)


John said...

Why is it the longer the franchise saga goes on, the more relevant famous skits from Monty Python become? Could it be that the bid process is becoming farcical?

The blithering in Albany is beginning to sound a lot like the spam skit. You can have nyra and spam or spam, spam and nyra or if that doesn's suit you, you could have spam, nyra, spam and spam.

It really doesn't matter that you don;t like spam or the nyra, does it?

Anonymous said...

There is a nice piece on Bruno in the Village Voice. It looks like Bruno does not like to spend his own dime for anything. All of his expenses are billed thru campaign committees......,barrett,78029,2.html

In addition, the committees have spent an astounding $18,225 at the track, including expenses virtually every other day during the 36-day summer season at Saratoga, where horseman Bruno reigns as a local potentate.

Anonymous said...

The reality is that the two "remaining" racing partners in Empire - Woodbine and Scientific Games - abandoned ship long ago. The only difference between them and NYTHA\CDI\MEC\MaryLou is that they chose (so far) not to go public with their defections.

In a private conversation, one of them referred to Perlee as delusional. How funny is that?

For that matter, how funny is their "home grown, world class" slogan now?

Anonymous said...

Pretty sad, the whole, long, drawn out saga and the conclusion is still very much up in the air. The sooner we don't have to listen to the bleatings of Jeff Perlee and Co the better. Let's all call Joe Bruno's office in Albany and demand that he move the Gov's racing bill forward. Republicans have always been the biggest supporters of NY racing so Joe needs to recognize moving NY racing forward is the only way to win the battle- and perhaps the war- with the Gov. Realpolitik is the name of the game, Joe. /S/Green Mtn Punter

Anonymous said...

Green Monkey is running in the 3rd at BEL on Saturday- 7f MSW.

Anonymous said...

"In addition, the committees have spent an astounding $18,225 at the track, including expenses virtually every other day during the 36-day summer season at Saratoga, where horseman Bruno reigns as a local potentate."

A friend had a CC receipt dated 1990. It was left in one of boxes that Bruno used - believed to be signed ny him. There was $16. + charged for food - with a $15.00 tip added to buy votes ?

Anonymous said...

Another blog view:
When the chick hits the can (10/11/2007)